Set height for iFrame using jquery
$(document).ready(function () {
var height = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window height
var minheight = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window min-height
$('iframe').css("height", (height - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window height - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining height for the main container
$('iframe').css("min-height", (minheight - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window minheight - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining min-height for the main container
$('iframe').css("width", "100%");
// Resize Function
$(window).resize(function () {
var height = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window height
var minheight = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window min-height
$('iframe').css("height", (height - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window height - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining height for the main container
$('iframe').css("min-height", (minheight - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window minheight - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining min-height for the main container
var height = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window height
var minheight = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window min-height
$('iframe').css("height", (height - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window height - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining height for the main container
$('iframe').css("min-height", (minheight - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window minheight - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining min-height for the main container
$('iframe').css("width", "100%");
// Resize Function
$(window).resize(function () {
var height = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window height
var minheight = $(window.frameElement).height(); // Calculate the window min-height
$('iframe').css("height", (height - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window height - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining height for the main container
$('iframe').css("min-height", (minheight - 20) + "px"); // Calculated window minheight - header height + footer height + padding + margin , then you will get the remaining min-height for the main container
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