Border-radius Shorthand Syntax

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border-radius Shorthand Syntax :

Resolved: The border-radius shorthand shall take 1–4 values that set each of the four corners to circular radii, as in the -moz-border-radius shorthand. That is,

border-radius: TL TR BR BL;
border-radius: TL BL+TR BR;
border-radius: TL+BR TR+BL;
border-radius: ALL;

Bascially the syntax is TL TR BR BL (clockwise from top-left) and missing values are filled in by repeating the pattern, just as with border-style et al.

Rationale: The WG concludes from comments such as those on and from evaluating commonly-used effects such as tabs that designers are more likely to set different circular rounding effects on each corner than they are to set a common elliptical effect on all four corners. Therefore the border-radius shorthand should cater foremost to this usage.

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